Compare the Market have partnered with financial education charity MyBnk to bring Meerkat Money School online. Try our first monthly module, use the AI chatbot to answer questions, and search the knowledge base to find out more!
Talk Money Week, 6-10 November 2023We're excited to be celebrating Talk Money Week by piloting our new mini modules. Please give them a try and send us your feedback so we can bring you more resources in 2024.
Start with a monthly module
It’s important to exercise regularly, right? We believe it’s important that young people learn and think about their finances regularly too, which is why we’ve launched our Money Monthly course series.
Short videos and quizzes including monthly modules to keep you thinking and learning about money, little and often.
Check your financial fitness with a quiz
Grow your knowledge and understanding of money. Everything from banking to borrowing, saving to spending.
Share your views and experiences
Grow your knowledge and understanding of money. Everything from banking to borrowing, saving to spending.
More ways to get Money Ready
Designed especially for young people, we have lots of ways your students can learn about money and boost their financial fitness. Have a finance question they need an answer to? Check out our money knowledge base, or ask our AI-powered MoneyBot.
Ask our AI-powered MoneyBot
Our AI chatbot is trained on our content and can give your students instant answers to their questions based on our trainers’ expert knowledge.